Internships can be carried out:
- at one of the Department laboratories (internal internship), under the supervision of the professor in charge of the laboratory,
- at a company (external internship). In this case too, the student will be the supervised by a teacher of the Department of Chemistry (internal tutor, or supervisor), who will be supported by a company tutor.
To carry out an internal internship, the student must secure the availability of the chosen teacher.
The Internship and Dissertation Board provides internship guidance, highlighting research topics proposed within the department.
In addition, the Internship and Dissertation Board takes care of publishing internship and dissertation topics on the department's website, with regular updates at the beginning of each academic year. After confirming the teacher's availability, the student will deliver the internship application form to the Course Administration.
Students participating in the Erasmus+ programme can do their internship abroad.
In this case, the student need not acquire 126 credits before departure, but can acquire them abroad.
The procedures are presented every year with the Erasmus calls for applications; for more information, please contact the Erasmus Committee:
- Prof. Emma Gallo (Chair),
- Mariangela Longhi,
- Amedea Manfredi.
An internship (or traineeship) is a training experience encompassing different options:
- Students can participate in curricular internship/work placement
- Those who have completed their study programme not more than 12 months ago can do extracurricular internships/traineeships.
The Cosp manages setup procedures for internships in public and private companies and institutions aimed at enrolled students, graduands and postgraduates.
How to find a stage opportunity
Students can either select one of the available internship positions on the University noticeboard or find an internship by themselves.
In any case they must follow procedures established by the Study and Career Guidance Centre (COSP).