Students' opinions survey

L’Università Statale chiede ai propri iscritti di esprimere una valutazione personale della didattica fruita attraverso un questionario anonimo online, accessibile da UNIMIA con le credenziali di Ateneo.

La raccolta delle opinioni degli studenti è coordinata dal Presidio di Qualità di Ateneo e rappresenta un elemento fondamentale del Sistema di Assicurazione della Qualità della Statale.

I dati raccolti vengono elaborati e forniti, in forma aggregata, ai docenti, ai Collegi Didattici, ai Dipartimenti, ai Comitati di Direzione ed alle Commissioni Paritetiche Docenti Studenti.

I risultati vengono inoltre rendicontati all’ANVUR all’interno della relazione annuale del Nucleo di Valutazione dell’Ateneo.

Opinione degli studenti
Opinions of students

Your opinion really matters! By filling in the survey:

  • you contribute to the improvement of your courses
  • your opinion directly reaches the academic bodies in charge of teaching quality.

The course evaluation questionnaire is a precious source of data through which the University identifies problem areas and gathers suggestions for the continuous improvement of its educational offering, and of the teaching, administrative and digital services that accompany students during their studies.

Survey must be filled through the University's survey service or Unimia personal page.

Answer the questions carefully and clearly, be sure to point out to your professors and students’ representatives problems and suggestions.Remember that questionnaires are:

  • completely anonymous
  • must be filled in online for each of your courses

From the online Service:

  1. Select the course you want to evaluate. The course list includes all courses established by your Study Programme available for the evaluation survey and some more options. Surveys related to the optional courses of student's choice can be filled only when registering for the final exam
  2. Enter your academic year:
    • when entering a previous academic year or declaring your intention of not attending the course, the system will propose you a different survey as not attending student
    • if you are still attending the course, the system will ask you to enter your course attendance % and will propose you a different survey.
Ask for assistance  

Email to the address directly available in any page of the online procedure by selecting "General information and assistance". The Help Desk service is available only during working hours.

The student's opinion survey follows a different calendar for each course, that you can find on Unimia, in the Exams and student's opinion" section.

It’s better to fill in the questionnaire after you have attended more than half of the classes in your course.

It’s mandatory to fill it in before registering for the final exam in your course. You can’t register for the exam until you fill it in. It is important to answer the questionnaire on the basis of your more recent impressions, without taking into account positive or negative notions from the past.